First Bites Cookbook: Maddy’s Creamy Dreamy Banana Shake


My older daughter can’t get enough of this “milk shake,” where frozen banana takes the place of ice cream. To turn into a breakfast item, add a handful of fresh berries, or throw in some mini chocolate chips and—voilà— it’s dessert.

2 medium bananas, frozen
1 cup low-fat (1 percent) milk

Place ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Yield: about 2 ½ cups
Nutrition information per B/c Cup Calories: 102, Total Fat: 1 gram, Saturated Fat: 1 gram, Carbohydrate: 22 grams, Sugars: 14 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Sodium: 42 milligrams, Cholesterol: 5 milligrams, Fiber: 2 grams, Vitamin D: 33 IU, Calcium: 104 milligrams, Iron: 0.2 milligrams

Excerpted from First Bites: Superfoods for Babies and Toddlers by Dana Angelo White. © 2015 by Dana Angelo White. A Perigee Book, Penguin Group USA, A Penguin Random House Company.

Photo Courtesy Rob Staub Photography


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