Sports Nutrition: 4 Steps to Better Performance



Every athlete wants to improve their performance. Here are 4 ways to get started today!

#1 – Never go more than 3 to 4 hours without eating

You snooze and your metabolism and performance will pay the price. Start with a healthy breakfast and keep it going from there.

#2 – Hydrate (hydrate, then hydrate some more)

One of the leading causes of fatigue during exercise is lack of fluids. Keep ’em coming in all day from water, 100% fruit juice, low fat milk and the occasional sports drink. Fruits and veggies help keep you hydrated as well.

#3 – Recover

Replenish energy stores and repair tired muscles with a post workout combo of protein and carbs.  Choose recovery foods and bevvies like chocolate milk, Greek yogurt, and peanut butter.

#4 – Get savvy

 Get nutrition info from reliable sources! Including:




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