Should You Join A CSA?


Thinking about signing up for a share of a local farm? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a great way to get a taste of local goodies, but make sure not to bite off more than your household can chew. Here are the pluses and minuses.


  • Giving love and support to a local farm
  • Promotes seasonal eating
  • It’s cost effective – you would pay WAY more for the same items at the grocery store


  • You get a lot of food each week – if it’s more than you need, consider splitting your share with a neighbor
  • It’s a large chunk of money up front
  • No control over what you get (to some this is exciting, others it’s anxiety provoking)

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter whether you get your local foods at the farmers’ market or a CSA – talk to your local farmer and decide what’s best for your family.




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