The information on this site is a representative of the personal and professional nutrition views and opinions of Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC and contributing authors to Dana White Nutrition, Inc.. Any conflict of interest will be clearly disclosed within content. The site content is not meant to diagnose or treat medical or physical conditions, that is up to readers and their physicians.
Dana White Nutrition, Inc discloses relationships with food companies, organizations, and affiliate programs in full compliance with proper government policies for media disclosure online, in person, print, and via social media channels.
Dana White Nutrition, Inc makes every effort to test and review products fairly. Advertising, sponsorships, or other forms of compensation are clearly marked within the content presented on the website. Dana White Nutrition, Inc accepts payment for projects and consulting from a variety of clients, including but not limited to the following:
- Applegate
- Bai Beverages
- Betsy’s Best
- Bush’s Beans
- Butcher Box
- Chobani
- Cliff
- Dang Foods
- Dave’s Killer Bread
- fairlife
- Gatorade
- Glutino
- Hidden Valley
- Honest Tea
- Laptop Lunches
- LARA Bar
- Lipton Tea
- Lucy’s Cookies
- Ketchum Public Relations
- Kettle Brand
- Konnect Public Relations
- Krave Jerky
- National Dairy Council
- National Mango Board
- National Peanut Board
- Nature Valley
- Sartori Cheese
- Sweet Leaf
- Tazo
- Udi’s
- Uncommon Goods
- USA Pears
- Vita Coco